Visit Us

345 Ecclestone Drive
Unit 1071
Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1R1

Trailer Pickup Instructions
Please park in the rear of the parking lot by the trailers and call into the office at 249-202-3003. We will be out to meet you shortly.

Trailer Dropoff
Please park trailer in the Trailer Dropoff area, attach the supplied lock, and check-in the trailer using one of the following methods:

  1. Complete Check-in form online with the following link. (This is the preferred option.)

  2. Email us a picture of the trailer, specifically showing the trailer lock, to

  3. Call us at 249-202-3003 and leave a voicemail confirming your name, the trailer you’re returning, and that it is locked using the provided lock.

Please note: there will be a $15 charge for any trailer returned without check-in.